This past weekend was an attempt to make a crowd-pleasing wheat beer, but using some unconventional ingredients.
The brew started with 6 gallons in the pot, which in retrospect should have been more like 7 given how much steamed away.
This was a partial mash brew, with 2 lbs plain extra light dry malt, and the following grains:
1 lbs Vienna
1 lbs 2 Row
2 lbs American Crystal 40L
1.5 lbs American Crystal 60L
0.5 lbs American Crystal 120L
0.5 lbs Carapils
0.5 lbs Pale Chocolate Malt
Grains were steeped in two grain socks, tied loosely. Initial temperature was 170 degrees F, but dropped to 150 degrees at the end of the 60 minute steep, which should have allowed both a fair amount of the ferment-able sugars lower in the range as well as some pleasant residual sugars from the higher temperatures. Hops were 1 oz. of the Northern Brewer hops, with 8.6% alpha acids. They were added after 55 minutes of boiling, and given 10 minutes in the boil.
The result was only about 4 gallons of beer, fermenting happily away with a packet of dry Nottingham yeast. OG was 1.052 once temperature corrected, which is bubbling continuously at this point ~24 hours after the completion of the brew.
My goal is that this would be a simple beer which most people would enjoy. Now I get to wait and see if I hit the mark!
Next weekend I’ll be attempting a Belgian style. One of the following, assuming the kits arrive in time. Knowing me, it will likely get modified. =)
Belgian Tripel Extract
Belgian Strong Golden Ale
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