Simple Recipe – Caribou Slobber

07 Aug

Today was a simple experience following a base recipe. It was intended to be modified, but when the local brew supply store was closed, it turned into a time to simply follow the recipe and see what that delivered. Today’s batch was the Caribou Slobber from Northern Brewer. It was supposed to end up at a 1.052 OG, but we ended up within the margin of error at 1.056, which may be in part as it was done using a full boil, not the partial boil the recipe called for.

The wort/beer was a lovely dark caramel or deep brown, and tasted pleasant and malty, and should be at the point we would want to drink it well before the Paving Tar Stout is at the same point.

Edit: here it is in the final form:
Final result of the Carribou Slobber






Edit 2: In the glass

One of the last of this excellent beer.


Posted by on August 7, 2011 in Brewing


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